Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Some dreams bite

Last couple of nights I've had some dreams that were frankly a bit scary. Not really nightmares because I was never out of control. But dreams full of threat and searching, with a bit of violence. I'm not thinking portent. Mostly its just gotten warm around here and I think the brain is giving me a better show at night.

Two nights ago I had a dream that involve a pile-up on a road (Waring) that I drive every day. Its two lanes each way with a median and its got a bit long curve in it. The speed limit is like 35 but people drive too fast on it. In the dream some guy in a Datsun 240z painted primer grey is follow some other rice-burner of newer make around the corner and they are joshing for position. I've got the whole family in the car and just as the guy gets around me a car with a couple of rastafarians (or as we call folks in the NFL with dreads: stinkheads) pull out from the curb and this guy tags them, causing me to do a 180 and I end up ramming the trunk of my car (not one I recognize, some piece of shit sedan) into the rasta car hard, impacting at the drivers door. I'm now facing oncoming traffic around the corner and people are driving too fast and close to stop so its turning in to carnage infront of my eyes. I'm worried about the health of the rasta guys, and I'm worried about getting hit by the idiots who aren't stopping in time. One car is going way to fast and the passengers are hurled toward us, hitting a car at the curb and this one guy just sorta disintegrates, I turn my head to avoid seeing more and I can feel body parts (which is weird cause I don't think the windshield is broken) lightly spray me. I look up and there is an ear, neatly sliced off on the dash or somewhere, and for some reason there is a fish tank in the car standing on end. I pick up the ear and neatly put in gooey side down on the glass thinking: somebody is going to want this back. More cars continue to crash and with some sort of supernatural ability I pull our car closer to the curb so we can avoid being hit. Now how's that for a nice dream? My wife had just kicked me out of our bed for snoring and I went downstairs to the extra bedroom and had this dream straight away. It was the most vivid colorful dream too.

Last night I had a couple of good ones but the best was included a Saber-toothed Tiger, who sorta became attached to me, cheek to cheek as we careened down San Roque Rd. We started at my folks house, he was sleeping at the base of the driveway and I woke him up and then we sorta skated (can't tell you how) down the street. He was half-awake so first I took him right at this bus that was coming up the street to try to rouse him. Then we went down the street swerving back and forth. Eventually we made it to State street (which is perpendicular to SRR) and crossed it, whereby the road changed into some other road, lined by trees. I think that we ended up at the beach but I really can't remember anything more.

I could analyze these dreams to death but there's really nothing in them that requires a whole lot of thought from my perspective. There are no revelations. Just stuff taken from my life and mixed together along with maybe a late dinner or two. The brain goes as the stomach rumbles. I wonder what I should have for dinner tonight!
BTW spell check is down right now on the blog server. Its a blog so your not supposed to care.

1 comment:

ibfamous said...

don't analyze, just keep documenting. this stuff is great!